CFATG9 - Obernai
20/11/2019 au 22/11/2019
The 9th edition of the CFATG took place in association with the LS2 and GBM networks. We would like to warmly thank all the speakers and participants who made this new edition a success!

Invited Speakers
Thumm Michael (Göttingen, Germany)
Behrends Christian (München, Germany)
Simon Ana-Katharina (Oxford, UK)
Agostinis Patrizia (Leuwen, Belgium)
Dengjel, Jörn (Fribourg-Switzerland)
Congratulations to the winners of the various prizes awarded by the participants of the congress:
Arlette Darfeuille-Michaud Prize for best oral communication: Damien GLON (I2BC, Paris, France)
Prize for the best oral communication: Clara DOUADI (M2iSH, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Prize for the best “Flash talk”: Charly Courdy (CRCT, Toulouse, France)
Prize for the best poster (sponsored by the Swiss network LS2): Romane LEBOUTET (I2BC, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Photo galery
Flyer of the meeting