International autophagy meetings

02/05/2024 au 02/05/2024 - Visio & IRCM, Montpellier

[Visio] Discover Professor Noboru Mizushima’s Seminar on Intracellular Degradation and Quality Control by Autophagy

During this seminar, Professor Noboru Mizushima will summarize the current state of research on autophagy, including methodology, and will discuss some recent topics such as autophagosome-lysosome fusion, selective degradation of mitochondria by autophagy, and the reversibility of cellular dysfunctions caused by defects in autophagy.

22/07/2024 au 09/08/2024 - Campus Aarhus, Denmark

Summer course for Master and PhD students: Autophagy in neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation and immunity

The course focuses on understanding the contribution of autophagy, a highly relevant cellular and organismal process, to physiology and the medical consequences of its impairment. In this context, understanding the mechanism and functions of this pathway is key to untangle the pathogenesis of the autophagy- associated diseases.

23/09/2024 au 27/09/2024 - Sorrento, Italy

EMBO Workshop: Autophagy across scales

13/11/2024 au 15/11/2024 - Clermont-Ferrand, France

10th Proteasome & Autophagy Congress

More info soon